More StupidityI hate people who are stupid. Many people interviewed in
this article are stupid.
Who is stupid? Here's a "dear Abby" style list:
Jeanine K. Mount, associate dean of UW School of Pharmacy, who said requiring pharmacists to stock the morning-after pill would demonstrate a lack of respect for pharmacists' professional standing.
Dear Jeanine, if your "professional" pharmacists are preaching and distributing false information, that is already insulting to their "professional standing." If they want respect, then they should act as though they were professionals.
Matt Sande, legislative director for Pro-Life Wisconsin, who says that drugs that prevent the implantation of a fertilized egg perform "a pre-implantation chemical abortion."
Dear Matt, you are not a doctor. Keep your imaginary medical terms to yourself and those unfortunate enough to be related to you. Oh, and if you're so worried about those precious little egg-sperms, why doesn't your organization find some way to end the tragedies of miscarriages that happen all the time. Who is looking out for those little egg-sperms? They die, all alone...
The FDA, who still hasn't approved the morning-after pill for over-the-counter use despite overwhelming medical and scientific support for this move.
Dear FDA, you've let a lot of people die with drugs like Vioxx and Fen-Fen. I have a great idea: you each have to take one medication, which you will then support for over-the-counter use. It could either be the morning-after pill or a handful of Vioxx. Either way I win.
You know, as much as I support Darwin's evolution theories, I wish humans would have weeded out the morons after so many years. Or, I wish I had a taser.